tuyetgiangst93May 1, 20231 min readCreating a chatbot using Streamlit and OpenAIThis a simple application of building a Chatbot using Streamlit and OpenAI. This project is just to practice and play with the resource...
tuyetgiangst93Mar 8, 20231 min readChest X-ray Image ClassificationThis project was done in my third semester at my college. I was taking a classification class and was required to complete a project...
tuyetgiangst93Jun 2, 20224 min readVisualization and Dimension Reduction on Music Genre DatasetThis is an academic group project about data visualization and dimension reduction. I worked with another classmate to visualize and...
tuyetgiangst93Jan 4, 20222 min readRENTING COST IN 5 BRAZIL CITIESThis was my very first project after taking Regression Theory and R courses. The project used a dataset on Kaggle. There were 10,962...